Since distracted driving is fast becoming the number one killer on the roads and with the explosion of traffic congestion in the Boston – D.C. corridor, Southern New England is more and more at risk for unnecessary injuries and even deaths if laws and enforcement can’t keep up with changing behavior patterns.
That said, the ability to nab “offenders” is growing too. 2019 was a crazy year for catching distracted driving in New England, with many drivers recorded first-hand by dashcams, road surveillance, and other drivers.
Massachusetts laws have placed serious restrictions on what people can do with their phones in their cars and distracted drivers still pose a serious risk to everyone on the road. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that in 2017 over 3,166 people lost their lives and more than 350,000 were injured in distraction-related crashes.
If you have been injured in a crash due to someone else’s negligence, call lawyers that can handle your distracted driving case, the seasoned professionals at Dussault & Zatir today at 508-999-2000.